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Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC)

The Ronald McDonald House in Auckland is a charity that holds a special place in our hearts.


For nearly a decade, Auckland City Toyota has proudly supplied vehicles to assist the House in its mission to care for children and their families. RMHC offers a nurturing sanctuary for families with children requiring hospital care, all at no cost to them.

Feedback from RMHC indicates that the flexibility afforded by these vehicles has been invaluable for families residing at Ronald McDonald House, particularly when their treatment schedules permit outings.

Frequently, parents have had to take prolonged leaves from work to be by their children's side during hospital stays. Thus, we consider it an honour to alleviate some of the challenges these families face.

In 2023 alone, 2,463 families found respite at Ronald McDonald House in Auckland, all of whom benefited from access to Auckland City Toyota vehicles throughout their stay.

The Auckland City Toyota Management team were honoured to be invited to prepare and serve the Christmas dinner for the children and their families in December 2023 at their special evening.