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Workshop Update Published 5 November 2024 The year seems to be flying by – here’s an update on what's been happening over the past few months. I’m excited to announce that ou...
The Car New Zealand’s premier single-seater category is the fastest and most competitive class in New Zealand. Toyota FT-60 New Zealand’s premier single-seater category is th...
Toyota Test Drive Tips How long can I take a car for a test drive? Can I take the car home during my test drive? Will the car fit in the garage? Can I take my car for a test...
vehicle-delivery-and-wait-times-faq What vehicles are you re-opening orders for? Why are you reopening orders for these new vehicles? Why is there such a long wait time? Are...
Making history for 70 years; the lighter duty Toyota Land Cruisers combined toughness with increased passenger comfort. Take a look at the Land Cruiser transition to luxury...
bz4x-range bz4x-charging bz4x-performance bz4x-cost-and-ownership What is the estimated driving range for bZ4X? What factors affect cruising range? Where can I find how much...
Build Your Own Camry Here's the Camry you built Camry contact Camry test drive request Build-Your-Own/Camry/Camry-Backgrounds Camry test drive request Here's the specs for th...