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Consumer Interest Rates & Fees

We offer a range of finance products at competitive consumer interest rates. Our current rates are shown below. They are current as from 1 March 2025, until further notice:

Product Interest rate  
Credit Contract 8.25% - 14.30% Read more
Variable Rate Credit Contract* 12.25% Read more
Finance Lease 8.25% - 13.95% Read more
Credit Contract Marine 9.95% - 15.95% Read more
Personal Loan** 12.95% - 19.95% Read more

All rates are fixed for the term of the contract except for Variable Rate Credit Contract loans.

* The interest rate on the Variable Rate Credit Contract may change during the life of the contract.

** Personal Loans are only available to customers that have been with Toyota Finance for 12 months or more.

The actual consumer interest rate you pay is dependent on a number of factors including the loan term, deposit, amount financed, your previous credit history, amount of your existing expenses / debt, employment and residential stability, security offered and the finance product.

Default consumer interest charges

If you default in payment, then while the default continues, you must pay default interest on the amount you have not paid. Default consumer interest is 5% over the annual interest rate that applies to you, or 18% p.a., whichever is the greater.

Consumer credit fees and charges

The following consumer credit fees and charges are, or may become, payable under or in connection with a contract:

Fee When payable Amount
Establishment Fee Payable when an account is activated. Up to $475
PPSR Processing Fee Payable when the contract is activated. $9.20
Full Prepayment Early Termination Fee

Payable if you end the contract before the End Date.

If we suffer a financial loss when you repay a loan early you may also have to pay a further amount, calculated using the formula in Regulation 9 of the Credit Contracts & Consumer Finance Regulations 2004, to compensate us for that loss.

Assignment Fee Payable when we consent to an assignment of the contract by you to another person. $200
Variation Fee Payable when we agree to change the structure of your loan. $200
Payment Frequency / Billing Date Fee Payable when we agree to change the frequency or date of the loan payments. Does not apply to Variable Rate Agreements. $50
Refund Fee Payable for processing a refund to you of an overpayment or balance. $12
Small Balance Fee Payable for processing an end of loan credit balance that is less than the refund fee. $15 maximum fee
Substitution of Goods Fee Payable when the property which we have a security interest in is changed. $100
Customer Service Investigation Fee Charged for time taken to supply you with information you request. $85 per hour (minimum $10)

Default consumer fees

In the event of a breach of the contract or on the enforcement of the contract, the default fees specified below are payable:

Default Fees:
  • $13 Payable if any payment is dishonoured or reversed or unpaid
  • $17 Payable on issue by us of a Repossession Warning Notice
  • $100 Payable on issue by us of a Repossession Warrant to our repossession agent
  • $50 Payable on issue by us of a Post Repossession Notice
  • $10 Payable on issue of a Notice of Demand under an unsecured facility
  • $50 Payable on a Service of Demand under an unsecured facility
  • $15 Late Payment for when payment becomes overdue
  • $33 Payment Amendment Fee